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25.01.2024 - FEAR

Being born in the fifties means we have a hell of a ride behind us. Remember when they taught us how to hammer on a typewriter, correct our mistakes with Tip-Ex, and make notes using shorthand? Only a few years later, my boss never dictated anything to me but to his little Dictaphone. I didn't struggle to decipher my shorthand, something that's always been a concern to me, but I had to listen to that damn tape repeatedly, trying to understand his slur. They didn’t prepare us for that. Why did I ever bother to be good at shorthand in three languages and achieve a speed nobody else in my class could match? This was my first challenge, and the challenges didn't stop; they continue today.
Technological development has changed our society radically and in a very short time. We hardly had the time to get used to no longer using pay booths to make phone calls when video calls appeared—writing letters and going to the post office? Now, we send emails and use messaging services. We played with marbles, loved rope skipping, and played tennis with our friends; now, we play online. We visited the slopes and prepared our ski run. Ski lifts, carving skis, and snowboards turned up; there was nothing we wouldn't try. I could continue for hours, listing all the drastic changes that took place. We went from simplicity to adapting overnight to all the challenges life presented us, and we loved it and still love it. Cars, phones, and our homes speak to us, and it's okay, never mind! When we leave the house, we take the camera, the TV, all our folders and paperwork, the calculator, the movie theater, the radio, the music player, the dictionary, the encyclopedia, the compass, the flashlight, the agenda, the phone book, the photo album with us. Yes, we don't leave anything behind; we put it in our pockets and carry all those items around almost day and night. The smartphone makes it possible.
From the fifties to today, yes, we had a wonderful life; anything was possible. We didn't know war, carnage, deprivation. But, suddenly, our freedom is in trouble. We almost made it; why have doubts now? What if? We always had good and bad players. What if bad players suddenly get out of hand? What if? What if what's threatening us on the horizon becomes reality, and we are no longer just spectators of the wars around us? There is a feeling we people born in the fifties didn't know in that sense until today. FEAR.
15.01.2024 - IDIOTS

To be a good person doesn’t mean that you are an idiot. Although sometimes it feels like it. Being a good person is a synonym for excellence, but unfortunately, idiots don’t understand what excellence is.
It might sound arrogant when I say there are more idiots around us than there used to be. Think about all those who believe in conspiracy theories. Or those who fall for people who say what they want to hear but think and act differently. What about those who don’t have their argument but parrot the words of bullies, rude people, and fantasts? They cannot distinguish verbal garbage from well-founded information; they are weak, looking for guidance in the wrong place. Some haven’t always been that way, but they have been disappointed by people who tried hard but failed. Instead of trying hard, they go the easy way and start following somebody. Too often, they fall for the wrong person because that kind of talk sounds inspiring. They don’t see how erroneous their choice is because it’s comforting to have somebody who sets the tone one doesn’t dare to choose. They look up to hypocrites, fantasts, two-faced people, egoists, holier-than-thou people, narcissists, ego-trippers. These kinds of people can soft-soap others, and they are excellent communicators. At first sight, they look like the leader who stands up for the weak and forgotten; second sight, they are the worst choice one can fall for because most of the time, what they do, they do it for themselves. But don’t expect an idiot to think twice and have second thoughts. They want to be the passenger on the train and not the engineer. To be a follower means living an easy life. To achieve that, they give up their personality and look up to a nobody dressed as an emperor and behaving like a tycoon. They don’t see that they are one more sheep in the flock under the order of the sheepdog. It reminds me of my days at school, but we are adults with experience, an open mind, and a choice.
You don’t identify with the above people? Good for you. In this case, don’t be disappointed if people do not cherish you. Continue with your good deeds; do not relinquish your respect for others and work on your opinion. Let the idiots call you outmoded, a lame duck, or a member of the establishment. Who cares!
And make a note: Never apologize for having high standards. People who want to be in your life will rise to meet them.
I haven´t been writing anything for a long time. Words matter; that was important to me, and I repeatedly used the slogan. Do they matter that much? That’s what precisely kept me from writing.
It is too easy to say thank you, I am sorry, I care, or I love you. I say it, you say it, people say it, but do we mean it? It’s easy to seem to be sharing an opinion with somebody and caring for somebody’s troubles. But do we care? Isn’t it often words, just words, meaningless words when we try to comfort somebody?
It’s the time when presidents, kings, and leaders give speeches, try to round up the year, encourage people to have a favorable view of the future, and downplay negative thoughts. There are promises, of course. We listen to debates and read the news, opinions, and analyses. There is a lot of talk about ongoing wars, government overthrow, government overreach, politics, dangers to our everyday lives, global warming, and natural disasters. We hear and reread the same, again and again. Does anything change? World leaders are meeting, boards are meeting, people are demonstrating, and everybody is repeating the exact hollow words. It’s words, nothing but words; it sounds good, but it’s still just words. Some words make people feel good; the exact same words might make other people angry, but do they provoke anything else but more words, discussions, analyses, and promises? At worst, one word means one thing to some people and a different thing to others. People say something and then insist that’s not what they meant to say. We twist things around until they suit us. It happens in everyday life and with what politicians and world leaders mention in interviews or speeches. It happens with how lawyers and judges interpret the law. Yes, interpretation opens the door to a new understanding and many excuses. Some are world champions in twisting around things, manipulating people, and finding loopholes. Most of us can’t compete and give up or parrot, not knowing what those words stand for.
Words are only meaningful if we follow up with action. Before opening our mouths, we should think, filter, and be sure we want to follow up with an action that backs up what we just said. We might be mute most of the time. But we might create a better world.
15.03.2023 - MEDIOCRACY

Did you ever ask yourself how certain people can occupy high-level jobs or play crucial roles in decision-making when you perceive them as mediocre? Lately, I have gotten to meet such people more often. I asked myself if I was getting arrogant. I thought deeply about why this was my perception and why I have yet to reach a top position.

Hierarchy might be one of the problems. If you stay long enough with a company and are good at what you are doing, over the long run, you will get promoted. Some people get promoted until they get a role where they reach a level of incompetence. You might be an excellent salesperson but incompetent at leading the sales department. Too many people get promoted to leadership positions they should never occupy, resulting in mediocre executives and mediocre leaders. Once at the top, those people will do everything to stay at the top. They will not hire people who could be more knowledgeable or perform better than they are. After some time, the whole department consists of mediocre staff, and the few competent ones feel demotivated and frustrated. It leads to self-destruction at the superior level. The Japanese have a saying: The nail that sticks out needs to be hammered down.

Or is it that mediocre people don't see themselves as mediocre? I have a lot of examples of people who come over as cracks, champions, know-it-alls, professionals, and simply the best. Such people know how to impress others. Or do they do it naturally? Do they believe in their superiority? Meeting these people makes me feel inferior, and I unwillingly admire them. Immediately I find things I should work on, improve, and do better.

Lately, I read about the Dunning-Kruger syndrome and got a simple explanation for the above. Incompetent people tend to over-evaluate themselves. They believe that they are performing better than anybody else. They are limited and have a highly subjective perception. They are convinced they are superior and don't see or accept their errors.

In contrast, knowledgeable people know their limits and value their performance lower than it is. They lose time improving details that are not important. They miss out on opportunities. Is this what they mean when they say women get lower salaries because they don't know how to negotiate?

What works in the private sector works even better in politics. Many politicians have done nothing else from the beginning of their careers than work in politics. They are disconnected from real life. However, there might be a slight difference from what I said in the above paragraph. People with knowledge don't have an appetite for politics. They can't go along with conformism, which gets rewarded in politics instead of charisma or expertise. Confidence in government and institutions shrinks at a concerning speed. Not in autocratic countries: quite the contrary. Think about this!

But we are all part of the decadence we have achieved over the years and are responsible. What kind of music makes the charts? What kind of series are the most watched? What kind of art inspires us? We are less ambitious, and we consume without questioning or challenging. We consume clichés day by day without thinking. We are complicit in western decadency.

Bureaucracy and technocracy limit responsibility and efficiency, thus fostering mediocracy. Are we fighting it? No, we go with the flow. Teachers leave their job because bureaucracy takes up more time than teaching. Let's do something. Let's change course. Let's work on being more critical, getting information from many sides, being selective in what we buy, watch, consume, and listen to, and maybe most importantly, we are never done learning. Be a kid again, be curious!

Inspired by Fabián C. Barrio
09.03.2023 - ROUTINE / MONOTONY

Do you follow a routine? Get up, shower, have coffee, news, brush your teeth, and catch the bus. Or start your day at the gym, grab a coffee, and drive to the office. Or, on the weekend, sleep in, have breakfast at the coffee shop, play golf with friends, and go for a beer after the game. And we are doing all the above repeatedly. Wait a minute, that's my life! We are probably unaware of it, but that's called a routine. All of us have a routine, knowingly or unknowingly cultivating it. The moment our routine gets interrupted, and we are forced to change it, we notice that we are trapped. We see that we are feeling comfortable doing the same thing again and again. Sticking to the same routine for months and years is easy; it suits us. It becomes our feel-good time. It comforts us but becomes a problem once we get forced out of it.

I googled "routine" and was surprised to get this answer: "An effective routine can help reduce stress, leads to better mental health, more time to relax, and less anxiety." It sounds like a medication with a side effect. We get addicted to our routine. We miss life and don't live in the moment. We get numb and miss out on a better quality of life.

I got curious and googled “monotony.” I got: “lack of variety and interest; tedious repetition and ROUTINE.” Routine turns life into a dull monotony. Which means the two expressions are connected. So why should we consider routine as a medication against stress and depression when it leads to monotony? Here’s the thing: we need to avoid both. CHANGE is the miracle word. But change means we must be ready to leave our comfort zone. Doing and living new things, that’s what inspires us. It needs some courage to undertake, explore, play something I haven’t tried before, or meet somebody I haven’t met before. But the new adventure gives us a feeling we all strive for – HAPPINESS!
Many of us are blessed, but only a few are aware of it. Today is the day. One year ago, 12 months ago, 365 days ago, and 8760 hours ago, Russia started the war in Ukraine, which is ongoing. It is how long people are suffering in that country. In many places worldwide, we commemorate the day by illuminating buildings in the colors of Ukraine, with five minutes of silence, with speeches. The horrifying pictures we have seen in the news most days during the past year occupy our thoughts, flashing by. But then, we go back to our everyday life. That’s it?
I am blessed; my generation is blessed. We never came to war as close as we are right now. We never had to fear losing our job, not finding a job, or not being paid adequately. Furthermore, we had the freedom of choice for everything. The freedom of speech and the possibility to travel everywhere we fancied. Our democracy seemed built on solid pillars which would never crumble. We trusted our government most of the time; we demonstrated when we felt like it without fearing repercussions. We lived in paradise without being aware of it. All the good things were normal to us.
Russia's aggressive behavior has shaken us up and made us realize all the unlimited possibilities and the wealth of pleasures we enjoyed in the past. It has shown us that nothing can be taken for granted, that our everyday life is vulnerable, that it, like our freedom, can be taken from us at any moment, and that everything was nothing but a dream. Suddenly we are grounded, and that's a good thing. Perhaps we finally understand that many people around us, even those close to us, want change. Change is good, but only if it is for the better. Too many are tired of what exists; the change they seek has already proven unhealthy in the past.
We are going through inflation, jobs at risk, lack of security, and sleepless nights. It is new for us, and it is scary. But far from what the Ukrainians are going through. Having to leave everything behind, even fathers and husbands, or staying in the country with scarce food, homes destroyed, no electricity, and the sound of the war present day and night. Not to mention the brave men fighting this horrible war. They seem to have a never-ending will to win the battle and to give everything for their country. To me, it looks as if Ukrainians are the only people who still believe in their government and nation. Does it need a bloody war to galvanize us, stand together, and see what is really important? Sad!

There was a time when cigarette packaging was attractive and did not mention death and horror, a time when Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben's were words we used in good faith, a time when they didn't censor books for kids, a time when no one knew what gendering was, one word included everything; a time when everybody was aware of racism without the woke movement, a time when nobody felt it was necessary to erase our past to make us feel better, a time when fast food chains didn't see themselves obliged to offer veggie burgers, and a time when one could still study menus full of anticipation without calorie information spoiling your appetite.

Do we need anybody acting as a guardian? Is individual responsibility out? Sensible people with healthy judgment are outnumbered. Are we aware that our education is failing? That we are creating followers?

I long for the days when you could say or write anything without offending anyone or facing repercussions. What happened to rationality, logical thinking, thick-skinned people, self-confidence, humor, and understanding of diversity?
Why do things have to be black or white? Should you defend grey, you have a hard life. Only very few people who can think further than their nose tip can acknowledge that grey also is a color that has its right. In some circumstances, something is black. If something changes, black is not wrong but no longer 100% correct. That’s the moment when grey comes in. Now, that’s the problem. Who can or wants to keep up with the new situation? To make my point, how many people are unable to cope? Or are they simply too lazy? As many feel uncomfortable discussing things further, they insist on something being black or white—hail to grey and the daily challenge.
11.11.2022 - OPPORTUNITIES

November! Christmas decoration in early November – crazy stuff! Unbelievably, Halloween is behind us, and Christmas is on the doorstep; at least, that's what shops try to hammer into our brains. Happy times are coming our way.
On the other hand, words like inflation, the war in Ukraine, global warming, devastation, extreme right, democracy in danger, conspiracy theories, hate speech, belief in the justice system, and government on the brink are constantly present in our everyday life.
Obstacles are opportunities.
I like that sentence. It means that all the above words and statements have a positive side. INFLATION motivates us to live more modestly, to beat down prices by ignoring products from certain companies, and to reshape the economy. THE WAR IN UKRAINE forces us to rethink global thinking; what happened to trust, respect, and shared goals? GLOBAL WARMING opens the door to green energy, new jobs, circular economy and energizes new ideas. DEVASTATION activates the good in human beings. It shows in people offering unexpected help to the stranded. EXTREME RIGHT is a wake-up call we should take seriously; thanks, guys. Do we want to go backward in time? The movement brings the opportunity to open our eyes to injustice and continue the fight for equality before it gets worse. DEMOCRACY IN DANGER, yes, another wake-up call; we have been dragging our feet too long; let's get to work and reinvent democracy. CONSPIRACY THEORIES and HATE SPEECH help us identify our society's bad apples. The crumbling JUSTICE SYSTEM and the crumbling belief in GOVERNMENT worldwide give us a chance to rethink what today's society wants and needs. Listen, be creative, and adjust to changes.
OBSTACLES ARE OPPORTUNITIES. Yes, we have many opportunities to do better, thanks to all the bad things happening.
07.11.2022 - I AM ANGRY

I am angry with 30,000 people traveling to attend the UN climate conference. Why does it have to be turned into a fair? Why all those side shows, and what about CO2 output with such a significant amount of people on the road? I am angry at the wealthiest man in the world for buying a company and treating it like a spoiled child’s toy. What about integrity, respect, and a sense of responsibility to the world? I am angry at leaders thinking about fulfilling their dreams and brazen lust for power. What about decent global living? I am mad with slow-growing violence, which advances undiscovered primarily until it’s too late. Some of it looms large lately with all the hate speech. I am angry with the stupidity of millions of irrational thinkers who believe in conspiracy theories, but what makes me even more furious is that politicians are adding gas to the fire and are exploiting the dupability of those people. They use human tools to satisfy whatever they are personally after, knowing that perception matters more than reality.
What have I done besides being angry? I quit Twitter, I am writing this blog, and let my anger play out on my beloved husband. I know this is little and doing little makes me complicit.
13.10.2022 - IS IT ME?

I notice that I am having a hard time getting through to people. I see less willingness to discuss, look at things from another point of view, and acknowledge that other opinions are valuable. People seem stuck with what they think they know. They always know better and are more unwilling to check out other options and exchange views. Discussions end with, “it’s what it is,” or “I just said…”. What about “you might have a point,” “never saw it from that perspective.” And: “I will think about it” no longer exists in people’s vocabulary. The worst, people can’t even explain how they got to their opinion or why they defend a particular attitude or point of view. People start acting more and more like parrots, repeating what they hear, and their information source seems limited. I start thinking it is me who needs to change.
I understand that we are all different, and that’s a good thing. Diversity is needed to keep our world turning. Communication is a simple word, but it is multifaceted like no other. Men and women, e.g., even having the same mother tongue, are mostly unable to understand one another. Their brains process information differently. Men cannot pick up subtle hints. The solution, women, should be more direct. An easy fix, but it is hard to change the gendered communication we grew up with.
Furthermore, we are dealing with different kinds of characters. If we want to be understood, we need to address everybody differently. It requires that we listen to people before we address them. It is the only way to decide what kind of character we have in front of us and what mood the person is in.
An extrovert will appreciate that I put him in the center of a conversation and that I respect that he/she is superficial. We should not say, “let’s go to see the movie Top Gun coming Saturday at 8 pm”; such a direct proposal will scare that person. A better approach is, “I will call you Saturday; let’s see if we go to the movies.” You can be sure they are all in.
On the other hand, a social person will embrace a specific proposal, as they tend to please others. A diplomatic, analytic, and disciplined person will want more information about the movie Top Gun before committing. Which movie theatre, who is the leading actor, what is it about, how will we get there, how much is the ticket, etc. Then there is the bossy type, loving to be in control. I should address that person with, “I would like to go to a movie; what do you suggest”?
Maybe I can get better, more productive discussions when I try to go through the process of analyzing people. I suggest you guys do the same. It is always worth a try, isn't it?
Any fool can know; the point is to understand – ALBERT EINSTEIN

Probably it is already too late. We should have woken up earlier. How come we did not notice how far climate change has advanced? Why were we unaware how close we would come to a nuclear war? Should we have been aware that a pandemic was looming? Were we blind and deaf when extremism started to take over? When did we start missing out on protecting democracy?
No energy, no enthusiasm, we were hanging in there, thinking the good times would never end. We were busy with nothing relevant while the world kept evolving. Many things, essential things, caught us off guard. An affluent society, egoistic, high-handed, and holier-than-thou. Does that sound like talking about the Roman empire? History repeats itself, and we better get out of lethargy.
I hear you saying: "yes, but who am I, I can't do anything about it." Wrong. Be the first one; get yourself heard, and others will wake up. The least you can do is be one more. Don't complain and disagree verbally, act! Make your action one more, not one less. Together we can change the world.
It all starts with our everyday behavior. If you don't accept the price of a product or where it comes from, DO NOT BUY IT. If you disagree with the government of a country, DO NOT GO THERE. If you disagree with a company's policies, DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM. But if you meet individuals who do not have the same point of view, opinion, or knowledge as you have, don't turn away. Listen, balance their reasons, try to understand, try to argue, and only then, make up your mind. Never forget, one should respect things even though we don't understand them.
19.11.2021 - BALANCE

There are many types of balance, but they all influence our lives. In one way or the other, deliberately, or unknowingly, we are all striving for life balance.
I close my eyes, and the first image that strikes me is the scales of justice, the symbol of no privilege, bias, or corruption. The stakes are high, enormously high, and many are unable to cope with such a burden.
But there are many other types of balance, and often we never ask what kind of balance we need to live a happy life. Are you a perfectionist? If yes, you require the tiniest thing to be in harmony; if not, you lose your life balance. People around us, the environment, world politics, intellectual life, facts, health and fitness, design, and so forth, all can get out of balance at times and harm our own.
Is it change that lets us lose our balance, or does change result in better balance? Are we scared of making a change because we do not have a safety net, and the tiniest shift might make us lose balance? We are fiercely trying to achieve a balanced life, and once we get it, we get bored and start making adjustments? I cannot figure out what it is, but my balance never lasts very long.
I no longer wanted to be the only one not able to hold on to a balanced life. Not only that, but I started building stony friends. They are pure balance. Some of them resist for quite some time; they look strong, and the longer they prove to be steadfast, the less I think they might one day lose their balance. But, sooner or later, heavy rainfall, a well-aimed wind gust, or a tiny bird lays them low.
No problem, I am down there the next day, helping them get up again, shine in new glory, and believe in a newly balanced life. We all need such a friend. #changematters #cambiaresvivir #SappMarketing #TheBigShift
It seems to be en vogue to follow the crowd, and it is so damn easy. Some people do not even know what exactly the message is they follow. Based on our search, the internet sends us what we want to see and hear and assures us that we are right and not the only ones believing a specific message or information. Blending in is so easy. And it feels good, doesn’t it? But are we aware of the fact that we might get manipulated? That we are getting drawn into something bigger than what we are aware of?  That we are getting used? We might not function properly any longer; the desire to belong is like an addiction. This is what conspiracy groups, political parties, and people who lead a cult use to full capacity. We used to buy flags and branded t-shirts to support a sports team because we wanted to belong. That was way different.
Why is it so crucial for some people to belong? Isn’t it more a kid’s thing? While we are young, we are prone to be followers.  Understandable that weaker characters are looking for a leader and become followers. History shows us that such behavior has always been a problem in kids and adults, and it has always been a dangerous, vicious way of life. In the old days, families used to call those family members “the black sheep.” Today we call them much worse. Maybe you should support your black sheep! We should teach kids to develop their style and beliefs; we should not let them blend in under all circumstances.
In my opinion, people who decide to BLEND OUT are the real heroes. I am convinced that having a different view and standing for it is crucial. It does not mean to break with friends and family. Hopefully, it will allow us to have serious conversations again and minimize small talk. Having different opinions and the courage to openly discuss them, talk about them with anybody, and without people getting angry at you is an asset we should go after. More people blending out might make the world a better place. Stop blending in; start blending out. #changematters #cambiaresvivir #SappMarketing #TheBigShift

It was not until recently that I got aware of the trouble disabled people constantly go through. Four weeks ago, I had ankle fusion surgery, leg in plaster, hobbling around on one leg using crutches.
The simple decision of which restaurant to choose ends up in a nightmare. It turns out that the ones we usually chose have stairs, or they are too classy to put the plastered leg on the elegant cushion on the empty chair next to me, or too small to get an extra chair for my leg. I do not want to mention the problems washrooms create! Restaurant visits have become an excellent training session for my bladder.
There are sidewalks causing problems. Some are too high for my jumping abilities, and a considerable detour is the only solution. On rainy days getting down from a sidewalk very often means landing in a water puddle. Entries, oh, how I start hating doors. Some open towards me, and it is pretty tricky to jump back when opening the door while holding on to the crutch and the door handle. Some work with a buzzer, and as I need to handle the whole thing with my right hand, the left one on the crutch to keep balance, I lean my right crutch against the wall, ring the bell, fetch the crutch again, push the door inwards as hard and far as I can while holding the crutch in my hand, depending on the handle or knob quite a challenge, put the crutch down on the floor to get my balance back and just as I am getting ready to jump over the doorsill and land in the tiny space between the door and the doorsill, the automatic door closer does its job. The door shuts in front of my nose.
Put yourself in the situation or circumstances of another person before you judge someone for their actions. Change your point of view by trying to understand why people act the way they do. #changematters #cambiaresvivir #SappMarketing #TheBigShift
19.10.2021 - TRUTH MATTERS

Who has not been in a situation where we hesitated, were tempted to not sticking to the truth or at least the whole truth. Little lies won’t hurt. That is easily said and even more easily done. But it might be the beginning of living a life built on lies. Repeating a lie can make people believe the lie. Lying is dangerous; it is the road with no return. Denying the truth does not change the facts.
Saying the truth, living up to the fact, having the courage to telling the truth no matter what; yes, all this is very important to me. Standing up and saying my mistake and acknowledging that I have messed up makes me feel better than covering it up. Telling somebody, friend, or enemy, that I do not appreciate their behavior or that I have a different opinion or what I think of them, has more than once put me in trouble, sometimes deep trouble. From my point of view, hurting someone with the truth is better than making them happy with a lie.
Today we call people who tell the truth whistle-blowers. For me, I do not know about you, the word whistle-blower has something negative, and it should not. A lot of people are getting mad at people who come out with the truth. Coming out with the facts, risking their career and freedom is exemplary. The only people who get mad at you for speaking the truth are those living a lie. Keep telling the truth because the truth is still the truth even if nobody believes it, and the lie is still a lie even if everyone believes it. And reciting Albert Einstein; blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of the truth. Nothing worse than to humor people!
Stefan Molyneux is right when he says: Nothing will make people hate you more and love you more than telling the truth. Do not forget, though, that there is a fine line between truth and opinion. #changematters #cambiaresvivir #SappMarketing #TheBigShift

I always thought I would never in my life have to deal with something so despicable. It was something I read about; I know it happens, but not in my life, and not in the life of anybody I know. Spain is a southern country and living here, domestic violence is a never-ending story. I never heard about violence at the workplace.
Today my female boss aggressively pushed me. I am still pinching my arm to make sure it was not just a bad dream and that it did happen. I must mention that I am currently using crutches, and my leg is in plaster. Who knows me knows that I am not capable of any misdemeanor and don’t lose my temper. None of this was my fault which didn’t count when the aggression happened. Never in my life I will forget the hatred in her eyes.
The other thing I got aware of hit me much worse. Some bosses treat their staff like slaves, yelling at them, abusing them, humiliating them, and making them work underpaid overtime. Why? Because they can. Many people are scared to lose their job and, like a dog, will always crawl back to their master.
There is physical aggression and psychological aggression, and in my last job, I saw and lived both. We are living in 2021 do not let it happen. #changematters #cambiaresvivir #SappMarketing #TheBigShift

Remember when it was okay to talk to and play with children on the street just because you felt like doing it? Not any longer. Do not even exchange a smile; people might think you are a pedophile.  There was a time we viewed it as customary to whistle when beautiful young girls passed by or to flirt with a waitress, or even casually kiss a girl on the neck? In today’s world, this is unthinkable. Remember when grammar was simple. Feminine or masculine and using masculine, we automatically addressed both genders. Period! It is the past.
Privately, in business and politics, people back then lived up to what society judged as NORMAL. It was okay, accepted, not questioned. Nobody should have the right to adjudicate something that happened or was said in the past based on current knowledge, social cognition, the political situation, today’s norms, or views. Things have changed drastically over the years, and they keep changing faster than ever. What was right yesterday is being disputed today. But what we have done or said yesterday was based on yesterday’s information, social understanding, social norm, socio-political situation, and the judgment of people who have influence or think they have an impact. Today all this might have changed, but still, we have acted to our best knowledge at the time.
Dig back into the past and stop saying I should have, could have. You had a good reason to do what you did; it was a different time back then. Before judging yourself or others for things that happened in the past, try to find information that sheds light on and explains behavior that we today see as disrespectful, outrageous, or simply dead wrong, but at the time was our everyday life. Accept the change, but do not use it to accuse the past. It was other times, and do not get me wrong; I do not use it as an excuse; it was other times, and we all were different people. We all have changed, hopefully, for the better! #changematters #cambiaresvivir #SappMarketing #TheBigShift
11.09.2021 - WHAT MAKES A GOOD TEAM?

As soon as there is more than one person involved, we talk about a team and teamwork. Small teams do not necessarily need a leader. Depending on the project and the goal leadership, will develop automatically.
T RUST – Control is good – trust is better.
E QUALITY. In a good functioning team, all members are equal. Everything must be said openly, discussed, and disputed without leaving any bad feelings. It is all about completing a project, reaching objectives. Nothing personal. An open dialogue is a primary tool.
A CCEPTANCE. Listen, be favorable to team members' suggestions, accept different opinions, and that we are all diverse. The team strives for excellent results and needs diversity. Try to understand before you dismiss or judge.
M ERIT. Listen and weigh up what you hear before you judge. Be appreciative of any idea or suggestion, no matter how far away it might be from your point of view. “We have always done it that way” is not a viable approach. Everybody merits to be listened to, and all roads lead to Rome.
It is not about you; it is about the team and the assigned task.
Good luck in changing your current approach to teamwork. #changematters #cambiaresvivir #SappMarketing #TheBigShift

We all read about the ancient, the pre-modern, and even about the modern empires. How rising stars, at the height of their glory, were condemned to one day fail and fall. For centuries they rose and fell, and humanity has not learned anything.
One thing sadly has survived. POWER, and the strong desire to possess it.  Sad enough; currently, anything seems to be eligible to achieve just that – POWER. People lie, cheat, harass, menace; there is no more respect, morality, and limits. The worst, such behavior starts becoming legitimate. We see people in high-standing positions doing it, and they get away with it. What mediocre role models they are, but it turns out that they are very effective in getting people on their side. Why?
It is scary to see that a high percentage of people start following a leader, and far worse, the cult that leader creates. They believe that followers are not responsible for the thoughts, acts, dissemination of lies, and the result of such dangerous power-grabbing. But they are wrong, and it is despicable even to think that way, worse to act that way, and even worse that they do not see how they are losing their identity. Who wants to be a puppet on a string?
We have reached the peak. Our Empire starts going downhill. There are already too many examples of decadence, and there are fewer and fewer things we can be proud of. I embrace change but change for the better only. Hopefully, future generations do not fall into the same trap. But this probably is wishful thinking.#changematters #cambiaresvivir #SappMarketing #TheBigShift
16.07.2021 - IT IS NOT ABOUT MONEY

It is about quality of life; it is about workplace culture and living my life. There is a saying: only people who have money can say money is not essential!
But talking to people, especially young people, I notice that more and more no longer think that money is such a vital quest in their lives. More than anything else, they want to have a wonderful, satisfying life, even if it means living on a lower income.
If this trend continues, it will be a big challenge for employers. Big companies, especially tech companies, have already understood that workplace culture is important. Performance improves if we feel part of the company; if they share our problems and offer solutions, such as gyms, nurseries, bright modern offices, flexible hours, or the option to take our pet to the office.
But what about small companies? Does this mean that small companies will disappear just like the little local shops have disappeared? Or might the idea of a four-day week bring the solution? Fewer hours, the same or even better performance, happier workers.
The following phrase should also be food for thought for the retiree. It is not about money. Educated to save money, make money, and the more, the better, to not stop working before one has not reached a certain standard, lots of older people are not satisfied with their current life. The kids need to inherit as much as possible, never through money out the window, and some do not enjoy their days because they do not get enough money to continue the life they have been used to live.
Let it go, enjoy the life you have, not the one you dream of having, and listen to Jonathan Swift “A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart.
#changematters #cambiaresvivir #SappMarketing #TheBigShift
Are we ready to go back to what we left one and a half years ago?
One and a half years ago, we were all forced out of our routine. Life as we knew it had disappeared. We were locked-in in our homes, no longer going to school, work or the gym, no social gatherings of any kind. I want my life back, became the slogan we repeatedly used during this time. It finally looks like we will get our life back. But do we want our old way of life back?
The Pandemic gave us the chance to look at ourselves and our life from a distance, to look at it critically. Everything had come to a standstill. People who think that workers are all going back to business as usual might be proven wrong. People have moved on; they decided against picking up the same old routine.
Some companies are already noting a shortage in staff, and this might have multiple reasons. But one reason probably is that many have decided against stressful underpaid jobs. Should wages rise, e.g. for health care workers, it might drive people back to their old position. Others have moved on for good and are off to new adventures. There are a lot of new challenges out there. Some will make a dream true and dedicate their life to something they always wanted to do.
After having had more precious family time, those who needed to travel a lot, pilots, truckers, e.g., might want to find an office job. Others started liking to work remotely. Companies who force their staff back to the office might find that some of their workers will quit and take on a job with a company that allows working from home.
We all know how hard it is to go back to the daily routine after a vacation. Picking up workout again after having paused it, a nightmare. Only the very dedicated can do it. Multiple workers who got forced into a specific work situation or followed the flock or thought they did not have another chance will think twice before going back to their old workplace. Employers will have to adapt their recruitment, staff training and management process. They will face another kind of workers.
The Pandemic opened doors; people have changed their attitude and needs. We will also see people losing their job because the demand has decreased as customers also have contemplated their old behavior and made changes. They no longer want, need, buy what they urged for one and a half years ago. We live in a fast-moving time, and eighteen months is a long time.
Thank you, Pandemic! Everybody with an open mind needs to understand that it is now or never - the time for radical change is now. There was always a good reason not to change our job, how we live or where we live, but now there is an excellent reason to move on.
#changematters #cambiaresvivir #SappMarketing #TheBigShift

There was a time where teaming up became key. Companies understood that teamwork leads to success, politicians were willing to reach over the aisle, countries sought power, united, and we saw the EU emerge. During wars and disasters and the time after, people united and helped each other; bonds were common. Today unity has become a rare word, and we replaced it with the word egoism, but nobody dares to say it out loud.
The Pandemic gave hope, was supposed to rebuild some of the lost trust in government and into each other. Instead, it has divided us, the people, the world, even further! Such a far-reaching event affects us all and finding a way out of this disaster should be the only goal for everybody. United, we can do it! That is the slogan I would expect.
It is our chance to lend a helping hand, no matter on which level. There is the vaccine, there is light at the end of the tunnel, but again, instead of leaving egoism aside, unite forces and beat the main enemy, the virus, we work against each other. Not only people in charge, but neighbors, family, and friends. How many of you know people who do not care about safety measures, about getting the vaccine or believe in conspiracy theories? Unbelievable! How are we going to explain this to future generations? A values-driven approach is urgently needed. We are our worst enemy, and that is where reconciliation must start.
Take fifteen minutes a day to think about the five dearest things in your life. The things you most appreciate. It will make you feel better. Happy people are more susceptible to acting in the best of everybody. Let us give it a try!
31.05.2021 - GETTING BLIND

Are we getting blind or blindfolded? Most of the elderly do not care for sustainable living or environmental protection. Most childless couples do not care about the education system. Most well-off people do not care about lower-income people and their problems, and most politicians care more about their career than about the district or country they represent. Widen your horizon. Understand what consequences there are if all of us act self-serving. The coming generations will have to pay for our recklessness, the world will not be a better place, only very few people will have a quality of life, and democracy will be a thing of the past. And it is everybody's problem. We all must do our part, both on a small and a large scale. Do no longer walk around blindfolded, or you might get blind! It is time to change our attitude. Only together we can beat the pandemic and all the other challenges the world faces. Only if we all change our attitude change can happen. #changematters #cambiaresvivir #SappMarketing
17.05.2021 - LIFE IN SPAIN

Sun and beach are the first words that come to mind for most when they think of Spain. However, living in Spain offers much more.
First and foremost, the people. Spaniards are proud people. They are proud of their family, their profession, their lifestyle. They love to socialize, meet for a drink, dine, and good company is the most important while enjoying what the Mediterranean has to offer. They treat you like a long-time friend; you are always welcome. Do they have any vice? Sure, they do! The expression "I don't know" does not exist in their vocabulary. It could be a problem should you ask someone for directions. You immediately receive wordy instructions to guide you to your destination. But it could be that the person who wants to help does not know the way. Not his mistake, just a misunderstanding. Never try to insist that you are right. Even if you should be correct, at the end of the discussion, you will have the impression that you are the one who is wrong. They talk, talk, talk, talk in circles and turn the tables on you a thousand times. It sounds awkward, and you will never understand it, but you can never be in the right.
The second important thing is the Spanish philosophy of life. First of all, the moment counts; second of all, the moment counts. Enjoy every second of the day, and do not worry about the future. No one says good day without asking, "how are you?". It is not a rhetorical question to which the questioner does not expect a comment. One expects a reply; it is a sincere question. For the Spanish, health is an essential valuable asset. Not only their own but everybody's well-being.
During your next trip to Spain, do not just enjoy the sun and the beach. Please focus on the people and their lifestyle.
Do we need Cancel Culture? Is Cancel Culture dangerous? Why do we even have to think about this?
It is a new phenomenon, and we already reached the point of no return; it has become en vogue. We start using and reading the expression almost regularly. But what about freedom of speech? What about our democracy? Where are the limits? We do not know yet!
There was a time when words mattered, where promises mattered. Watch your mouth! Didn’t we hear that quite a lot when we were kids? Not only has the way of communication changed, but we have changed. Does this mean that we need Cancel Culture because people abuse their right to free speech? Today we express our opinion, react uncontrolled, impulsively, and tomorrow, the whole world knows about it. There are plenty of people who wait for you to make a misstep, and you might not even know them. One wrong word and it will haunt you in the future. To be on your guard has become the new normal. Cancel Culture might come your way.
Today life is stressful, and pressure is on. While we focus on our career, it is no longer unusual to use our elbows, dig up whatever we can on our opponent. Cancel Culture is the right tool to do just that. What about diplomacy, collaboration, making the best of a bad job? Those words vanish and give way to Cancel Culture.
Do not let other people or en vogue movements change who you are! #changematters #cambiaresvivir #SappMarketing
30.04.2021 - LIFE IS MOVEMENT

Or should I say movement is life? Both are correct from my point of view and some would people would share my opinion. But it is not.
Movement is life. Every movement-oriented, health-conscious person immediately agrees. As soon as we stop moving regularly, our physical performance decreases, and so does our resistance to diseases. What you do not use gets rusty.
Life is movement. Bringing movement into our lives means changing things. Change means to live your life and is the very essence of our existence. If we do not move, if there is no change, one day is like the other. We get up in the morning and have no goal; life becomes monotonous.
Therefore, both statements are correct and essential for a healthy life. The first expression is about our physical health, the second about our mental health. In either sense, never stop moving and let us move your company to another level. Have an excellent weekend. #changematters #cambiaresvivir #SappMarketing

Change helps you to grow, and when you succeed, your business grows.
Changing your mind enables you to change most things around you. Change is difficult, I agree. Aren’t all things before we tackle them? For an entrepreneur, his business is not JUST a business. It is part of his family and his life. He has heartfelt feelings for his company. Hiring a third party to be the voice of his business is, therefore, a drastic decision. You cannot make such a decision without changing your mind.
Today change happens at a dizzy speed. Only somebody outside your company can keep up with all the change that happens. Why? Because he has a different view, he is not emotionally attached. He can analyze things from a different perspective, allowing him to find weak points. Being a professional, he will put himself in your shoes but might change the color of your shoes or the shoelaces.
Do not let other people change who you are. But, let copywriters and translators change your company’s communication to adjust to today’s customers and change your voice and message, thus attracting new clients. #changematters #cambiaresvivir #sapp-marketing.com


Four years ago, the American people wanted CHANGE! Change for the sake of change is never a good idea. But we also must acknowledge that every change, particularly bad change, such as the Pandemic, uncovers weaknesses and allow us to do better in the future. Open up your mind and look for the valuable grains in the crop. Nurture them, and they will open doors we willfully ignored in the past. It is in the nature of the human race to push uncomfortable decisions and actions aside. A lousy change, though, gives us the stimulus to review what it brings to light. We get the possibility to grow, to do better, to succeed. Let us use the wrong changes and convert them into a virtuous circle. The actions we take will automatically result in good change. That’s the deal: out there are millions of people who share our opinion and want the world to be a better place. Let us broaden our horizon, listen to each other, and find the courage for change. Today everything goes viral; make the good kind of change go viral!
16.04.2021 - WHAT DRIVES ME

CHANGE! No question, to me change, is vital. The Pandemic has pretty much eradicated what drives me. I never found THE job, THE sport, THE homeland. I kept moving on and want to continue moving on. Change inspires, change broadens one’s mind, change forms friendships, change opens doors and is highly nourishing. The knowledge I acquired is due to working in many jobs. Often it was stressful but very energizing. I visited and worked in several countries. It taught me to understand different mindsets and traditions. I tried various sports, and funny enough each sport got me in touch with a different kind of people. The last year, my craving for change has not come to a complete halt. But changes have become irrelevant.
You are right if you say that there was change significant change. Yes, I noticed that. The Pandemic changed the world. Wealthy people have become even richer and the poor even poorer. Working remotely has become the new normal. No in-person classes, meetings take place online, and we would never have imagined that the year 2020 would be the year of virtual choirs and concerts. The elbow bump replaces the handshake, and the hugging emoji is meant to replace a warm and friendly hug. None of these changes does excite me, though. They propelled the evolution forward, but we need to challenge such change. Have a good weekend. #changematters #cambiaresvivir

10.04.2021 “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

When you open that special bottle of wine without any good reason – you belong. When you stop to wonder what other people think of you – you belong. Is this a typical age-related thing? One would think so, but it is not. Everybody has the choice to live a more relaxed life whenever he or she chooses. There is, of course, always the perfect excuse for why it is not the right moment.
On the job, long hours are essential. Never say no; take over every project that comes your way. Career is important. You want to be there for family and friends; the house and garden need to be perfect; you need to be perfect. Stress takes over. A flood of information is coming our way and reaches us instantly. Yes, of course, anything is suitable for an excuse, but do not forget, times have changed. Enough is enough. Open your eyes. There is a generation out there that has understood and puts personal freedom first. Strange for some, but they get heard and get it their way.
No matter what phase in our life, we can all alter course and belong. Stop caring about things that hurt your freedom; leave your comfort zone. Try it now!
26.03.2021 - #changematters #cambiaresvivir
The Pandemic shows the worst and best of people and companies. Resilience is key, and so is reinventing ourselves. Over the years, we seem to lose our capability to criticize ourselves constructively. The Pandemic gives us the chance to do just that. Use the additional time we get through the current situation and develop forgotten or new skills. Start the new week with a positive vibe.
23.03.2021 - 4 WHAT MATTERS
Once a day, take the time and stop. Stop thinking about the news you just read, the tasks you should tackle, the bills you must pay. Take time to think about yourself. How do you feel, what bothers you, why does it bother you? What can you do to improve your overall well-being? What matters?
The world is upside down. It has always been, but the distress has not always directly affected us. Today's communication technology and our way of consuming and spreading news have brutally changed. We cannot avoid getting insight into people's lives and destiny, we do not personally know, and in politics and issues of countries, we were not even aware that they exist.
Does it matter? Of course, it matters! Can we change anything? Of course, we can! Some people are so busy establishing their bucket list; they forget to make a list of things that matter. Maybe they do not directly matter for themselves, but they do matter. That list can change the world. Does it matter what we say, what we write, how we express ourselves? Does it matter how we act, how we connect with people, how we react in certain situations? Does it matter how we digest the news, how we form an opinion, how we communicate? The answer is a straight out YES. Do not lose your identity; do not be a follower. Take time to think about it; today, tomorrow, every day of your life. #changematters #cambiaresvivir

We are prone to listen to and read the information that matches our opinion. And quite often, we hear what we want to hear. It makes us feel good, and it is reassuring to know that other people think, feel, and communicate the same way we do.  The question is, are we on the right track?
Maybe not, and certainly not 100%. We need a strong will to leave our comfort zone., but it is worth doing just that regularly. To for once not advance our opinion, and instead do something we might not have done in a while. TO LISTEN. And key is to listen to people who are not saying what we like to hear. It will show us how poor our judgement has become. We must reeducate our brain. Instead of consuming information that confirms our view, we must listen intensely, put ourselves in the shoes of the other person, and compare that statement with what we believe. Take it for granted; all of us must review our beliefs.
Listening to people, we usually do not listen to is an excellent way to enrich our lives and will prevent us from, in some years, no longer being able to recognize ourselves. Check your values regularly and stay true to yourself. Good luck! #changematters #cambiaresvivir

Sylvia Berger - SappMarketing
Planises 57 - E-03750 Gata de Gorgos
Phone: +34 667 762 118
E-Mail: office@sapp-marketing.com

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